mini-workshop on “Finding approaches to eliminate artefacts in x-ray phase contrast computed tomography”, September 16-18 2015, UCL London

Wednesday, September 16, 2015 - 23:45 to Friday, September 18, 2015 - 23:45
Event Description: 

X-ray phase contrast (PC) computed tomography (CT) has been heavily investigated over the last two decades. It holds potential to overcome the major limiting factor of conventional CT: poor contrast for soft biological tissues. This is because contrast in PC-CT is driven by phase effects rather than attenuation ones, which can be several orders of magnitude stronger than the latter. PC-CT is typically implemented using propagation-based, crystal-based or grating-based approaches. These methods, however, rely either on spatially or temporarily coherent or quasi-parallel beams. These conditions are only met at synchrotrons, or, to some extent, by micro-focal x-ray tubes. The use of synchrotrons and micro-focal x-ray tubes is not suited to many practical applications due to accessibility and x-ray flux constraints, respectively. At UCL, new approaches to PC-CT have been developed, named edge illumination PC-CT, which has been demonstrated in several instances to work well with x-ray tubes with relatively large focal spots, i.e. in a scenario that is closer to practical reality.

This workshop was primarily aimed at a) identifying the origin of artefacts in edge illumination PC-CT images and b) at finding approaches towards their elimination, but also at c) gaining insight about image acquisition and reconstruction techniques employed by other groups, and d) at identifying possible future collaborations.

Local Organizers: Charlotte Hagen and Anna Zamir

The EXTREMA COST Action provided reimbursement for 5 participants, covering travel and lodging costs and Local Organizer Support.