Visual analysis of dynamic processes
The workshop on “Visual analysis of dynamic processes” is a follow-up of the mini-workshop on data handling and treatment at the 10th World Conference on Neutron Radiography in Grindelwald, Switzerland, in October 2014 and the Lorentz Workshop on Quantitative 3D X-Ray Imaging in Leiden, the Netherlands in January 2016. During those workshops many questions were raised regarding visual analysis of dynamic processes but only few solutions were provided. The key idea of this workshop is to bring together the communities of researchers working with X-ray and neutron CT and the communities of visual data analysis. In fact, even though at different time scales the final goal is a precise interpretation of noisy data through analysis and visualization procedures.
Today, there is a clear trend emerging towards quantitative and in-situ imaging of dynamic processes. Especially in neutron and X-ray computed tomography (CT) this trend demands the integration of computation and visualization steps with data acquisition to provide the information of interest. The motivations behind are manifold and integrate the following aspects: on one side the acquisition of tomographic projections, or radiographs, and the following reconstructed slice only provide intermediate information, which requires additional data processing to extract the targeted physical parameters (quantitative imaging), on the other side, there is a strong demand to reveal the information that is contained in the images which is hidden, because of noise or artefacts, in the sheer amount of data. The required data enhancement will make it possible to push the instrument performance beyond the limitations of the instrument hardware itself.
Website of the workshop:
Dates: from 9 January 2017 08:00 to 11 January 2017 16:00
Timezone: Europe/Zurich
Location: Rigi Kulm
Chairs: Dr. Kaestner, Anders and Dr. Marone, Federica